I am sorry, probably I didn't notice when read. That is not to change this certificate at all?And how to change algorithms of enciphering?
View ArticleRe: Transferring files to and from VMs
We use them like this: vcoPath: C:\\abc\\def\\ghi.jklguestFilePath: C:\abc\def\ghi.jkl Regards,Chris
View ArticleRe: Transferring files to and from VMs
Ohh and you need to have lokal access to your vCO server. You will find here in the community few posts about this. Regards
View ArticleRe: Memory swapping
Can you reboot such a VM? Or try to vMotion it to another host?In my lab I also noticed that if a VM was swapping, after the usage went back to normal it didn’t free up the swap. Reboot helped.By the...
View ArticleRe: не отвечает esx 5.1. host
Вы находитесь в оной подсети с Хостовым сервером или в разных подсетях?
View ArticleRe: Thick Provision Eager Zeroed - Provisioned Size???
Grazie Luca. Stavo pensando però che forse l'operazione più veloce e indolore è:creare un nuovo vdisk (da 1.98TB) clonare vdisk da 2TB sul vdisk da 1.98TB utilizzando un applicativo di terze parti e in...
View ArticleRe: SSL VUM
The product documentation is lacking IMO. Most info is always found in some random KB Anyways, you cant change it(algos/cert). Even if you replace the VUM cert, this is not going to affect the cert...
View ArticleHow to migration Vcenter 5.1 MSSQL database to oracle 11g
Recently my boss want me to do some research for vcenter5.1 database migration from mssql to oracle.So i found the reference from google these days,but nothing help for me.If anyone success to do...
View ArticleRe: View Client as Login UI
Thank you for your post. This really helped us immensely to create the required GPO for our thin PCs.
View ArticleConfiguring mice and keyboards to work independant.
Is there a way to configure inputs independently using vmware player, I'm looking to setup multiple consoles and virtual machines using just a single tower mostly as an experiment. I also want to do...
View ArticleRe: Moving VM from ESXi to ESX
perform a V2V conversion using VMware converter. that's a safe process. yes they should be compatible even if its a ESXi or ESX
View ArticleRe: How to migration Vcenter 5.1 MSSQL database to oracle 11g
Anyway,I just do the migration use sqldevelop,but when I fail to connect the vcenter,and checked it found 'vmware virtualcenter server' can't start noraml.I tried two ways to do it.1.Fresh...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1 on HP Compaq DC7900
yes hardware is not supported. but if you are looking at building a lab. then install windows and then install VMware workstation and then deploy ESXi as a VM. You can use this ESXi to manage VMs
View ArticleRe: I'm seeing cpu freezes at random in most of my VMs ESX4.0.0
Confirm if its ESXi or ESX. As mentioned in your first comment, ESX is mentioned. ESX has logs vmkernel in /var/log. ESXi only have messages in /var/log
View ArticleFault VimApi.InvalidArgument
Hello.I'm trying to run the example VMCreate2010 and i get this error.I'm using 5.1.I have tried to pass useroptions[8] = newOptionSpec("VimApi", "String", 0, "version...", "vmx-07");but i don't know...
View ArticleRe: vShield Data security: Scan in progress but nothing
I think, I missed something. I installed a new infrastructure with only one network for ESXi, vCenter, vCD, VCNS without Trendmicro. Still the same problem, everything is green, scan started but never...
View ArticleRe: Duplicate Current VM on ESX 5
Alternatively, you can convert the VM into ovf. Then deploy the ovf on another host as VM.
View Articleunable to share files betw host & guest in Wsta 9.0.2 wth guest Ubuntu 13.04
Hello,I have already reported about this condition when VMware Player is used ( ); unfortunately, I have received no answers. The same situation prevails in...
View ArticleRe: How to migration Vcenter 5.1 MSSQL database to oracle 11g
There might be many 3rd party tools for migrating sql db to oracle but when it comes to vCenter database, the application wont work. Recommend to reinstall vCenter pointing to a freash instance of...
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