Re: Could not power on VM : Invalid metadata - storage
Hi, You can find here a documentation for upgrade your ESXi. But major step are : - 1 Check if your host are compatible 4.1 using HCL....
View ArticleRe: VM Allocation and Consumption Report
Hi RvdNieuwendijk The Folders I'm talking into are the ones created in "VMs and Templates" inventory view or Folder objects. We have arranged our folders per department. So, basically you get the...
View ArticleRe: esxi5 hypervisor hardening
you can Enable Lockdown mode on ESXi.Then root user can not login remote shell
View ArticlevApp Template loses vShield FW rules when deployed...
Hi All,Has anyone encountered the following behavior: I create a vApp Template with 3 VMs and a vShield router configured with FW rules and NAT port forwarding with "Make identical copy". When I...
View ArticleInstall vcenter server 5.1u1 on windows server 2012 essentials
Hi, we are trying to install vcenter server 5.1u1 on windows server 2012 essentials, but the installer tells us that our os is not supported.Has someone an idea how we can solve this problem? Thanks in...
View ArticleRe: Program not working properly after virtualization
I build the project and tested the program but i am getting the same result. It works for most of the programs but it doesn't work for portable Free Commander. If i launch the program i see...
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to install ESXi,Vcenter etc in a normal windows system?
thanks a newbie,still my doubts are not cleared.I wil share my points. my laptop os is windows 7.first I wil install VMware workstation in that.after that I wil install virtual windows server...
View ArticleRe: VM Allocation and Consumption Report
Try it like this New-VIProperty-Name'FolderPath'-ObjectType'VirtualMachine'-Value { param($vm) $path=@() $excludeFolders="Datacenters","vm" $parent=$vm.ExtensionData while($parent.Parent){...
View ArticleRe: 10GB ethernet - NIC recommendations
I suggest you plan A.And using VDS with NIOC. vMotion Traffic can`t set limit with Standard switch, But VDS with NIOC can share network bandwidth.
View ArticleRe: Horizon View 5.2 - Can't loging via HTML Access
Delete this reg key from the parent VM & Linked Clones.HKLM/Software/VMware Inc/Blast/Config/SSLHash
View ArticleRe: Safe to delete snapshot from failed vdp backup
Try Snapshot->Consolidate on the VMs where backup is failing and then retry your backup.
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to install ESXi,Vcenter etc in a normal windows system?
No problem . So vCenter need a 64 bit os. that you need to know following : 1- Install VMware Workstation :2 - Create a VM for Windows 2008 R2 (You will install vCenter component on it). 3 - Create a...
View Article"Disable alarm actions" for a vm
Hi, I want to disable all alarm actions for a vm while I have to disable FT to clone a vm. My script are ready for cloning but I can´t find any solution to disable alarm actions for a vm via PowerCLI....
View ArticleRe: Program that require .net framework?
I will try to package first .net framewok and see what will happen.I don't want to install net framework because it slowing down significantly the performance on my Windows XP system. But i think this...
View ArticleRe: Esxi host unable to connect Vcenter server 5.1
The .iso's are identical... Its all about the license.. Try to compare the checksum value for the various versions... An example: Enterprise Plus SHA1SUM:...
View ArticleRe: Safe to delete snapshot from failed vdp backup
I'm unable to do that because the option to consolidate is not chooseable. As far as the web client is concerned I don't have any snapshots of the VMs any more: Best regards
View ArticleRe: "Disable alarm actions" for a vm
Did you look at the Set-AlarmDefinition cmdlet with the -Enabled:$false parameter ?
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to install ESXi,Vcenter etc in a normal windows system?
thanks my 99% doubts are cleard . right now server 2008 image is not with me.whether 2003 server 32 bit is enough for that?
View ArticleRe: Switch BNT IBM - vnics group vlan - ESX 5 - No conecto a la red
+1Después de leer toda la documentación me encontré con el mismo error pero actualicé el FW al y se solucionó el problema
View ArticleRe: Powershell Plugin system.outofMemoryException
When iinvoking PowerShell scripts winrm connection is created. MaxMemoryPerShellMB parameter controls the maximum memory that can be used while executing the script on the remote machine. I would...
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