Re: Regarding subnet mask of a virtual machine.
Here is script. The netmask of the first address of the interface:InetAddress localHost = Inet4Address.getLocalHost();NetworkInterface networkInterface =...
View ArticleRe: "An error occurred during the conversion: 'Unknown exception'",
Hi, By pointing the destination to a UNC file path, it will convert the physical machine to Disk and the error disappeared. It seems the vConverter require proper communication between the Source...
View ArticleRe: Network on ESXI standalone
Hi, I think your vmnic1 is on standby for all your portgroup. Can you attach a screenshot of your port group configuration summary like my screen bottom. Select each port group and take a screenshot...
View ArticleRe: how can I extract guest machines' config through vm-support data
Check this paper Customizing vm-support in vSphere™ 5.0
View ArticleRe: How can I get multiple datastores on one LUN?
1 LUN = 1 Datastore = Many VMDKs.For each LUN having 2TB-512b maximum size. then it would be 500TB ++ before you run out of space.It is quite rare to reach such limits.Regards,Milton
View ArticleRe: Query regarding vm-support
Customizing vm-support in vSphere™ 5.0 Check the above paper. It should be helpful
View ArticleView Pool feature/design consideration
Hallo Just a quick question on the features for the latest version of View(Horizon View) 5.2 Why don’t VMware create the option to create a tiered type pool setup? Your pool limitation is set to 2 000...
View ArticleRe: hgfs prevent rename operation on unix guest and windows host
Have you already opened an issue in your internal bug tracker?
View ArticleLocal Storage ability in 5.1
Hi, I know that in version 5.1 you can use vmotion feature without the use of a SAN (use local storage instead). does this also extend to the HA feature or a SAN is still required for that? Thanks
View ArticleRe: I have 2 ESXi 5.1 Hosts that reboot every 2 weeks, how can I stop this?
You cannot see or set schedule tasks if you connect to the ESXi server, since the scheduled tasks are part of the vSphere Center. When you open the Esxi server either through vsphere client, check in...
View ArticleClusters missing in report (same name bug?)
I run the vSphereHealthCheck, connecting to a vCenter 5.0 which manages ESXi 5.0 Hosts with the option --vcenter because I need ONE report for the whole VMware infrastrucure we're hosting.The script...
View ArticleRe: External Access to Workspace
To make our lab install work I had to create split DNS configuration so that Workspace FQDN is always same no matter if user is external or internal. I deployed gateway-va with external FQDN and all...
View ArticleRe: Ошибочка Device performance has deteriorated
Статья на тему как посмотреть производительность со стороны ESXi:В performance хоста какой Read Rate и Write Rate для этого пути?Сколько ВМ лежит на...
View ArticleRe: Local Storage ability in 5.1
HA doesn't req SAN from vSphere 5.1 onwardsvSphere 5.1 vMotion deepdive -
View ArticleRe: Local Storage ability in 5.1
For HA to be able to restart virtual machines on another host in case of a host failure, the other host must have access to the virtual machine's files. With local storage on the failed host, the other...
View ArticleRe: Local Storage ability in 5.1
The mentioned blog post talks about vMotion and not about HA.
View ArticleRe: Specify vCNS Manager address to VCAC 5.2 ?
About vCNS, I use https://fqdn But unfortunately, this morning my vCenter endpoint has an error, so vCNS is down too DC: 659e6c49-c853-44fd-bd59-406718c332fd: inventory: LAB-vcenter: LAB-Cluster: Error...
View ArticleRe: Local Storage ability in 5.1
thanks, yes I agree. So the local storage vmotion just just a svmotion 1st between the 2 local storages and then a usual vmotion as and when requested. No good for HA so that makes sense., cheers
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