Hi LucD,
Thanks for for the your valuable update and support.
I tried to attch the MyScript PS1 file but i couldn't attach the file in here.
This is first time Im using the script in my life so i need a clear picture on this..
I have a V Center server name:aabbcc01
and have 50 VMs on the VC server.
VM Name:(xx1,xx2,xx3,xx4,xx5)
I need monthly(30 days)
VM uptime report like below format through mail or CSV file.
Start Date Finishdate uptime VMName Unit(%)
I understand that u Game of Nines – VM Uptime Report ? posted clearly.Its looks realy great.
But I have little confusion on the scrpit where is need to be modify VM name and need to change something on script.
I need a script for my enviroment.
So can you please modify the your script using my VC and My VM name(Given example above VC name VM name) and update me please?