Hi Carl,
In your photo, Windows 7 really just sees one display, not 2. Even with mirroring on at OSX level I still get 2 displays down there.
So that part is strange.
With my Windows 7 VM I had trouble getting the latest driver installed on the July Technical Preview. As I had that kind of trouble on every VM, it might not be limited to my own setup.
Please look at: Windows 7 aero graphics performance index to 1.0 after update
Is your performance index OK?
I had a quick look at your logs and this line surprises me:
2013-08-05T08:27:10.759-05:00| mks| I120: OpenGL Renderer: "Intel HD Graphics 3000 OpenGL Engine"
I take it your Macbook has a better GPU in it as that? Normally VMware Fusion demands to get the best GPU in the machine.
If you go to:
About this Mac -> More Info -> System report -> Hardware->Graphics/Displays
Which adapter has the "Displays" setting filled? Aka which card is in use during your usage of VMware Fusion?