Today,the problemsencounteredareinstalledsrm5.1, but please masterreplied:
ms databaseinstalled usingwindowsauthentication, srm service anddatabaseon the samevirtualmachine,of course, alsouse theodbcconnectionusingwindowsauthentication,the test connectionis also no problem, but installingsrm,foundsrm servicestops, manual go tostartoveraftera few secondsanddid notstopuntil.......usesqlauthenticationbut nosuchconditionoccurs, whetherthere is a mastercanhelp answer.
ThereI wasthe originalcontents of the fileit isin doubt,such as:
1, Windowsauthenticationdatabase user accountmust beused to run theSRMservicethe sameuser account. (My interpretation is thatthisplacewhen youare loggedsrminstalledoperating systemanddatabase useraccountisthe same accountto installit???!!)
2, SRMdatabase schemaname must bethe same name asthe user accountdatabase. (If you are using Windows authentication, then the databaseschemaname isxxx \ user??Stillusing Windows Authenticationwithout creatingthe database schema)
3, if theSQL Server andSRMserver is installed onthe same host, you may need to uncheck thedatabase servershared memorynetwork settings.(I tried after disabling, sql server service is restarteditwill not boot!!??)
4, ifyou are using Windowsauthentication,the SRM serverand databaseserver mustrunon the same host. (If you use a domain user,thatstillhave to berunon the same host??!!!)
5, if theSRMserver and database serverrunning ona different host, you must use mixed modeauthentication.(If you use a domain user,thendonotuse Windows authentication??!!)
Brotherlearnsparseshallowtimber, and then help you masteranswer, because the windowsverify that thisproblemhasbeen bothering mequite a long timeupside downabovequestions.