Re: VDP Fails with Error E10052 - Seems VMs freeze while VDP backs up.
What do you mean with re-linking al the VDP jobs, You mean recreating them, or selecting the VMs within the job?
View ArticleRe: How to get VirtualMachine storage info
After tons of try... vm identifier mean the number of the mor value. for example, given a vm with vm-47 mor value, the identifier is 47.Documentation is not clear.
View ArticleRe: ESXI 5.1 and network performance issues
Please check the processes running at VM when you observe high network utilization. There are chances the application/OS process is the reason behind high CPU utilization. Network packet burst will be...
View ArticleRe: Safe to delete snapshot from failed vdp backup
Thanks you for your help.Browsed the datastore and deleted the vmd-files from the old snapshot. Tried a new backup afterwards and it worked perfectly. Thanks again.
View ArticleRe: Отказоустойчивость сети
Вот тут говорят о невозможности использовать beaconing в случае когда две сетевухи смотрят в один физ.свитч. Don’t use Beacon Probing if more than one pNIC in the vSwitch is connected to the same...
View ArticleRe: VMware doesn't recognize host ram drives
madeinlisboa wrote: I'm sorry, what you are talking about??? In your OP you said "... which I would like to share ..." and although you then said "... but it is not recognized as a physical hard...
View ArticleRe: Converting Hyper-v to Vmware using the vmware converter
Thanks Julien for your reply, I had the same doubt too.
View ArticleRe: ESXI 5.1 and network performance issues
since you have 4 nics i would suggest the following design to offer redundancy. vmotion, management network and VM network in same switch "vSwitch0" with uplinks vmnic0 and vmnic3. And vSwitch1 with up...
View ArticleRe: How to get VirtualMachine storage info
Hi , What do you needs exactly? just retrieve the storage use from a VM? Regards,Julien.
View ArticleRe: Thin Provisioned VMDKs consume all available space
Thanks Julien. That's exactly the answer. I have always de-selected Quick Format as a best practice for performance reasons, but never noticed that the VMDKs are filled to capacity. Thanks again for...
View ArticleRe: Need help creating a dashboard to count a total.
Hi,hope that you can work with my Dashboard. The Generic Scoreboard was only configured with a couple of VMs. Just an example of possibilities for you.I think that an "Top N-Analysis" Widget will help...
View ArticleRe: Vmware tools generates Windows events: Event ID: 1000
Hi Dennis, Have you seen this KB link;,Jon
View ArticleRe: Can't obtain an Internet connection using workstation 6.5.5
Have you tried using Bridged on the VM's Network Adapter?
View ArticleRe: VM converter error while moving a virtual machine to another esxi 5.1 server
Export the log-bundle through menu.
View ArticleInstall a new machine by restoring a disk image
Hi I am trying to install a new win 7 machine by restoring a previously create disk image with DriveImage XML I create the machine and booted it with an Unltimate Boot CD iso which contains DriveImage...
View ArticleRe: Vmware tools generates Windows events: Event ID: 1000
I've seen it now. But that is not our error message... Thanks
View ArticleRe: unrecoverable error: (vmx)
Unfortunately, I can't tell you for sure whether or not this issue is related to the physical CPU. Are there any helpful entries in the VM's vmware.log after the error shows up? What about other VMs?...
View ArticleRe: Отказоустойчивость сети
KirillShusherin wrote: Вот тут говорят о невозможности использовать beaconing в случае когда две сетевухи смотрят в один физ.свитч.Don’t use Beacon Probing if more than one pNIC in the vSwitch is...
View ArticleRe: Install vcenter server 5.1u1 on windows server 2012 essentials
Hi,Can you post some logs file generate during install or setup execution. thank you.Regards,Julien
View ArticleRe: How to get VirtualMachine storage info
Try something like this using powercli $report = @() $allvms = Get-VM | Sort-Object $_.Name foreach ($vm in $allvms) {$vmview = $vm | Get-View...
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